Susanne Hehenberger

Historian (doctorate 2003); since March 2016 archivist at the Kunsthistorisches Museum (KHM) Vienna; 2009–16 (with Monika Löscher) provenance researcher in the KHM on behalf of the Commission for Provenance Research; 2015–17 coordination of the digitization and online publication of the Central Depot files; since 2018 editor of the Lexicon of Austrian Provenance Research; further information:

After graduating from the Bundeslehranstalt für Frauengewerbe (Federal Teaching Institute for Women's Crafts) in Vienna and working for some years from home, th

Gustav Benda was born in 1846, the second of four children of Samuel and Julie Benda, in Prague, where his parents managed the Wiener leather goods company.

After several years of professional experience in wage accounting, Josefine Berger was employed in early 1939 in the administration office of the

Rudolf Bittmann, born in Vienna in 1880, was the only son of Marie Mathilde and Ignaz Bittmann, a successful textile entrepreneur.

Maria Brunner, who joined the NSDAP in 1941, worked from January 1944 as an assistant for the "Sonderauftrag coins".

Helene Buchwieser, daughter of the architect and master builder Bruno Buchwieser, studied architecture at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna from 1932.

The numismatist Fritz Dworschak took advantage of the Nazi era to assume central functions in the Vienna museum scene.

Berta Schiebel was married in her first marriage to the NSDAP member and Blockleiter (Block Warden) Otto Lug, who came from Munich. Until her husband's death on 5 November 1941, she did not work, but ran the joint household at Am Tabor 22/2/45 in Vienna's 2nd district.

Johann Eichinger, who had attended a commercial training school after primary school, served in the Austro-Hungarian army from February to November 1918.

Fritz Eichler, who had a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Graz, began his career in 1913 as an unpaid assistant at the

On 13 September 1939 Department III of the Reichsstatthalterei in Vienna, which was responsible for the arts, allocated the former charterhouse in Gaming to the Ministry of Internal and Cultural Affairs, Department IV (Education, Culture and Popular Education) for salvaging purposes.

The son of the academic painter August Ignatz Grósz and Henriette, née Countess Attems, studied art history, history and classical archaeology at the University of Vienna.

Lothar Kitschelt, son of the factory manager August Eduard Kitschelt and Olga Anna Maria Kitschelt, née Freiin von Hartlich-Wallthor, started studying law but switched in the winter semester 1932/33 to art history, archa

Heinrich Klapsia studied art history, history and archaeology at the University of Vienna.

Friderike Klauner, daughter of a civil servant, studied history and German language and literature at the University of Vienna from the winter semester of 1935/36. After four semesters, she switched her major to art history with a minor in history.

In June 1941 the seized and later expropriated Monastery of the Augustinian Canons with its art collection was put in the charge of the

The Viennese art historian Ernst Kris worked as researcher from 1927 to 1938 in the Collection of Sculpture, Arts and Crafts

Some of the imperial art collections, the most important parts of which were obtained through the activities of Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol (1529–1595), Emperor Rudolf II (1552–1612) and Archduke Leopold Wilhelm (1614–1662), were available for limited public view from the early modern era onwa

In 1929/30, Richardis Wustl taught sport, drawing, German and craft in England. She finished school in Klosterneuburg in 1931 and then studied history and art history at the University of Vienna.

Victor Luithlen, son of an official in the Ministry of Trade and Transport, obtained a doctorate in music at the University of Vienna in 1927 with a work on Johannes Brahms.

Little is known about the entrepreneur and art collector Robert Max Rudolf Mayer. He was born in 1873 to the silk trader Rudolf Julius Mayer and his wife Frau Louise Mayer, née Friedmann, in Vienna.

Richard Neumann came from a family of Austrian textile entrepreneurs.

Zerline Nirenstein was born in Brody, Galicia, in 1872. She was the eldest child of the banker Isidor Nirenstein and his wife Emma, née Schorr. Zerline's brothers, the twins Hugo and Martin, were born in Lemberg in 1875.

Rudolf Noll studied classical archaeology and philosophy at the University of Vienna and submitted a dissertation in December 1929 on the beginnings of caricature in Greek vase paintings.

Karl Prochaska was the son of the Viennese post office official from Moravia of the same name and Marie Prochaska, née Ortner, from Bavaria. In 1917 he left school to serve in the army in Albania. After the First World War he returned as a war invalid to Vienna.

Mathilde Pfannl was employed from 1929 to 1939 by the Kleinkaufmannschaft Wien fund and from April 1939 in the commerce department of the Wirtschaftskammer Wien (Vienna Economic Chamber).

Carl Reininghaus was the oldest son of Julius Reininghaus and Emilie, née Mauthner Markhof. After his father's early death, his uncle Johann Peter Reininghaus bought his shares in Grazer Brauerei.

Louis Nathaniel von Rothschild was born in 1882, the third of seven children of Albert Salomon and Bettina Caroline von Rothschild. After completing his schooling at the Theresianum in Vienna, he trained as a bank clerk in Hamburg and New York.

Liselotte Seutter von Loetzen, daughter of a bank director who died young and a potter, had considerable (professional) experience, when she became involved in the "Sonderauftrag Münzen" in October 1942.

Paul von Zsolnay was born in Budapest in 1895 as the first son of the tobacco industrialist and Austrian consul general Adolf von Zsolnay (1866–1932) and his wife Klara Amanda, called Andy (1876–1956), née Wallerstein.