Pia Schölnberger

Studied German Philology and History at the University of Vienna; worked at the General Settlement Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism and at the National Socialist "euthanasia" memorials in Hartheim and Am Spiegelgrund; 2008-11 project work on politically motivated property expropriation in Vienna 1933-38 at the Department of Legal and Constitutional History at the University of Vienna; 2011-17 provenance researcher at the Albertina on behalf of the Commission for Provenance Research; 2017 transfer to the Arts and Culture Division, at that time in the Federal Chancellery, among other things responsible for the establishment of a memorial to Austrian Shoah victims in Maly Trostinec/Minsk (Belarus); since 2019 Head of the Commission for Provenance Research and the Office of the Art Restitution Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.

On 4 July 1776, American Independence Day, the imperial envoy Giacomo Durazzo in Venice gave Duke Albert von Sachsen-Teschen (1738–1822) and his wife Marie Christine (1742–1798) a collection of engravings he had commissioned two years earlier.

The Augustinerkeller in the centre of Vienna was used as a depot to house the art collection belonging to Count Karl Lanckoronski (1848–1939), which had been seized in autumn 1939 from his son Anton in accordance with the Regulation on Management of the Assets of Members of the

The Munich lawyer Alexander Bayer was admitted in early February 1931 to the Munich branch of the NSDAP with the number 423.018 but left six months later because – as he stated in 1942 – as defence counsel for Erich Lude

After studying law at the University of Vienna, Josef Blauhorn joined the Prager Eisenindustrie-Gesellschaft, before becoming sole Prokurist in 1916 of the Vienna bank Gebrüder Gutmann, where he worked until escaping from Austria in 1939.

From 1926 Bernhard Degenhart studied art history in Munich, Vienna and Berlin. He wrote his thesis on Lorenzo di Credi at the University of Munich at first with August Liebmann Mayer.

In 1919 at the age of nineteen, Josef Zdenko Dworak, whose father Wenzel Dworak already managed a transport company, founded his own transport company

August and Helene Eymer, who arrived in Austria in the 1910s and became Austrian citizens in 1933, managed the

After Benno Fleischmann had completed his study of art history, archaeology, philosophy and the auxiliary science of history at the University of Vienna in 1930 with a thesis on Giovanni Bellini, he worked initially as a

After his marriage to Clara Dresel (1878–1947), Julius Freund became co-proprietor in 1902 of his father-in-law's ladies' wear company Wilhelm Dresel at Niederwallstraße 13 in Berlin.

Alois Getzinger trained as a waiter and opened a junk shop at Turnergasse 28 in Vienna's 15th district. Between 1935 and 1938 he was also an expert in effects and furniture.

Emil Goldmann was born in Swoikowitz, Moravia, in 1872 as the oldest of nine children of the tenant farmer Jakob Goldmann and his wife Amalie.

The Viennese book and art antique dealership Gilhofer was founded in 1883 by Hermann Gilhofer (1852–1913) as a general bookshop at Bognergasse 2 in the centre of Vienna.

David Goldmann came from extremely modest circumstances to settle in Vienna in the early 1910s, from where he worked his way up to become director of Ujpester Tuchfabriks AG in Budapest, Wollwarenverkaufs AG in Günzelsdorf and Stoffdruckfabrik in Guntramsdorf.

Elisabeth Grünbaum, the youngest of eight children, came from a well-situated Jewish family and grew up in Praterstraße in Vienna’s 2nd district.

After graduating from high school at the German k. k. Gymnasium in Brno in 1899, Franz Friedrich Grünbaum came to Vienna to study law. He took only one of the three state examinations, however, and embarked instead on a career as an actor, librettist and cabaret artist.

Moriz Grünebaum was the son of Gustav Grünebaum, k. k. Hofrat and head of the Bauabteilung der Staatsbahnen (building department of the state railways), who was made a hereditary peer in 1876.

Margarethe Hassel worked from 1909 to 1927 as a bank teller at the Creditanstalt and then for other unidentified employers in Vienna.

After graduating from the Staatsgymnasium in Znaim (Znojmo), Josef Hupka returned to Vienna to study law. In 1897, the year of his doctorate, he converted from Judaism to Protestantism.

From 1946 to 1964, Anton Jancsy had a retail art dealership at Spiegelgasse 8 in Vienna's 1st district.

Hubert Wilhelm Jung was born in Stuttgart in 1883 as the youngest of seven children. After attending secondary school in Ravensburg, he registered in 1904 in the Architecture Department of the University of Technology in Munich.

Kunst- und Musikalienhandlung L. T. Neumann, named after its founder Leopold Theodor Neumann (1804–1876), opened in 1833 at the exclusive address Kohlmarkt 11 in Vienna's 1st district.

Adele Pächter was married to Hermann Pächter (1839–1902), who in the 1880s ran Kunsthandlung R. Wagner in Berlin.

After obtaining his doctorate in law at the University of Vienna in 1906, Armin Reichmann worked as a journalist for the Österreichische Volkszeitung, Morgen and Berliner Börsen-Courier.

Ludwig Rochlitzer, who spent his childhood in Graz, studied law at the university and musical harmony at the school of the Musikverein für Steiermark.

Emil Rosner born as the only child of the antiques dealer Leo (Markus Leib) Rosner and Jenni, née Feuer, in Vienna.

After Georg Saiko attended secondary school in Komotau (Chomutov) und Teplitz-Schönau (Teplice), he arrived in Vienna in 1910 and worked on the Österreichische Künstlerbibliographie (Austrian artist bibliography) published by the

In April 1922, Leopoldine Pfaffenmayer from Vienna was appointed Prokurist (authorized signatory) together with Carl Gruber and Georg Prachner of the Vienna antique book and art dealership