The Akademischer Verein jüdischer Mediziner in Wien (AVJM) (Academic Society of Jewish Medical Students in Vienna) was registered on 14 July 1911 by three students, Alfred Grünspan, Siegfried Berl and Josef Krenberger, with the k. k. Statthalterei Niederösterreich (Imperial Royal Lower Austria Governor's Office) and its establishment approved on 31 August 1911 after verification of the articles of association by the relevant authorities and the police department in Vienna. The society headquarters moved several times before 1938. It was initially at Währinger Straße 13a (Anatomy Institute) in the 9th district and ended up in 1938 at Alser Straße 28, also in the 9th district. Right after it was established, the society began to build up a library, as laid down in the 1911 articles and the amended 1913 version, and organized the use of the library by its members. In 1921 the society was incorporated as the Medical Section (Zweigverein) of the Gesamtverband jüdischer Hochschüler Österreichs Judäa (Union of Jewish Students in Austria). The amended articles of association were approved by Vienna Municipal Department MA 49 on 10 May 1921. In 1924, the society changed its name to Akademischer Verein jüdischer Mediziner – (Medizinische) Sektion des Gesamtverbandes jüdischer Hochschüler Judäa and became the official representative of Jewish medical students at the university. By 1937, the society's library contained around 2,000 books. The last AVJM general meeting before the annexation took place on 16 November 1937, when Emil Katz was elected chairman, Heinrich (Hirsch) Heller first vice-chairman and Isidor Ten(n)enbaum second vice-chairman.
The AVJM was dissolved on 13 September 1938 by order of the Stillhaltekommissar für Vereine, Organisationen und Verbände (Liquidation Commissar for Societies, Organizations and Associations) appointed by the Reichskommissar für die Wiedervereinigung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich (Reich Commissar for the Reunification of Austria with the German Reich) pursuant to § 3 of the Gesetz über die Überleitung und Eingliederung von Vereinen, Organisationen und Verbände (Law on the Transfer and Incorporation of Societies, Organizations and Associations) of 17 May 1938 and was deleted from the register of societies by decision of Vienna Municipal Department MA2 of 23 September 1939. At the same time the society's assets were reported by the former chairman in August 1938 and registered by the Gestapo. The list of assets included a library with around 1,000 volumes, and teaching aids such as microscopes and dissecting instruments. There is no indication of where the movable assets ended up. No temporary administrator or executor was appointed, nor is there any record of an order for the assets to be disposed of by the Vermögensverkehrsstelle (Property Transaction Office). On 19 January 1940, a final report was presented by the Stillhaltekommissar indicating that the society had been dissolved and its assets expropriated. The further whereabouts of the books are unknown. The inventory probably fell victim to the unofficial Aryanization. In 1939, the former society headquarters were taken over by the Sturmheim der SA 3/3 and the Alservorstadt local NSDAP group.
During the systematic provenance research at the Zweigbibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin der Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien (history of medicine branch of the Medical University of Vienna Library) two books belonging to the former AVJM library were discovered to have been inventoried in the library of the Department of the History of Medicine after 1938. As the society was not re-established after 1945, the two books were restituted in November 2019 to the Jewish Community of Vienna as legal successor.