The Akademischer Verein jüdischer Mediziner in Wien (AVJM) (Academic Society of Jewish Medical Students in Vienna) was registered on 14 July 1911 by three students, Alfred Grünspan, Siegfried Berl and Josef Krenberger, w
Medical researcher
Alfred Arnstein was born in Vienna on 26 June 1886 as the son of the lawyer Emanuel Arnstein and Regina Hahn. He married Hildegard Arnstein, née Baum, in 1920.
The Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien (GdÄW), founded by researchers in the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna and doctors at the Allgemeines Krankenhaus (General Hospital) in Vienna in 1837, established itself in
Julius Drey was born in Vienna on 1 May 1858, the son of Lazarus Drey and Babette, née Cohn. He studied in the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna and completed his doctorate in 1882.
Otto von Fürth was the son of Josef Ritter von Fürth (1822–1892), a factory owner and member of the Reichsrat and the Bohemian Landtag, and Wilhelmine (1832–1904), née Forchheimer.
Until 1938, Stefan Jellinek was an extraordinary professor at the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Vienna.
Fritz Lejeune studied medicine, dentistry and comparative linguistics at the universities of Bonn and Greifswald.
The psychiatrist and medical historian Max Neuburger was head of the Institute of the History of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Vienna from 1914 to 1938.
Until the annexation in March 1938, Vienna had various decentralized medical libraries set up in the first half of the nineteenth century (Second Medical School) to keep pace with the rapid development of the individual medical disciplines.
Maximilian Weinberger was married to Hermine, née Schereschewsky (born 5 November 1884 in Vienna).