Edith Oser-Braun came from the Braun family of entrepreneurs, who founded a bridal outfitting shop in Vienna in 1892 and, with further branches in Karlsbad and Berlin in 1914, advanced to become a supplier to the Imperial and Royal Court. The company E. Braun & Co., co-founded by Edith's father, had its business premises at Graben 8, a prominent location in the centre of Vienna. Edith married her cousin Siegfried Franz Oser, who was a partner in the company, in 1919. The marriage produced two children: Maria and Gustav. In 1929, the couple changed their name to Oser-Braun.
Due to their Jewish origins, the Oser-Braun couple were among those persecuted by the National Socialist regime. In August 1938, Siegfried Oser-Braun applied for an authorization for the export of the works of art owned by the family to the Zentralstelle für Denkmalschutz (Central Monument Protection Authority), which granted it, with the exception of two works by Eduard Ender and a miniature by Carl Goebel. In mid-September 1938, only a few days before she was to leave Vienna for London with her husband, Edith Oser-Braun sold ten pen and ink drawings by the Austrian painter Friedrich Amerling to the Albertina for 150 Reichsmarks. A price that could be described as very low, as the Albertina reported to the Ministry of Internal and Cultural Affairs in Vienna when it applied there for the approval of the amount. While nothing is known about the further whereabouts of the three paintings retained by the Zentralstelle (Central Authority), the Art Restitution Advisory Board recommended in its meeting of 10 May 2001, that the ten pen and ink drawings in the Albertina's collection be returned to Edith Oser-Braun’s legal successors. These works were handed over in November 2002.