Ludwig Baldass studied art history at the universities of Graz, Halle, Munich and Vienna and was awarded a doctorate from the University of Vienna in 1911.
University professor
In 1922 Viktor Christian obtained his habilitation in the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Vienna with a thesis "Semitic with special account of cuneifor
Walter Frodl obtained his doctorate in art history and archaeology in July 1930 from the University of Graz and worked thereafter as an unpaid assistant in the Kärntner Landesdenkmalamt (
Otto von Fürth was the son of Josef Ritter von Fürth (1822–1892), a factory owner and member of the Reichsrat and the Bohemian Landtag, and Wilhelmine (1832–1904), née Forchheimer.
Karl Garzarolli-Thurnlackh studied art history and history in Vienna and Graz, receiving his doctoral degree from the University of Graz in 1920.
After graduating from the Staatsgymnasium in Znaim (Znojmo), Josef Hupka returned to Vienna to study law. In 1897, the year of his doctorate, he converted from Judaism to Protestantism.
Until 1938, Stefan Jellinek was an extraordinary professor at the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Vienna.
After completing secondary school in Vienna-Ottakring, Othmar Kühn worked in the brewery in Hallein, returned to Vienna in 1914 and enrolled to study natural sciences, specializing in botany, at the University of Vienna.
Hans Leitmeier, son of a commercial clerk, received his doctorate in mineralogy from the University of Graz in 1908.
Wilhelm Müller-Hofmann was born in Brünn / Brno and grew up in Bavaria. After graduating from the Gewerbliche Fortbildungsschule he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Rudolf Noll studied classical archaeology and philosophy at the University of Vienna and submitted a dissertation in December 1929 on the beginnings of caricature in Greek vase paintings.
Fritz Novotny was a librarian at the University of Vienna Department of Art History and taught from 1925 at various Vienna people's education establishments (Volkshochschulen) while studying art history under Josef Strzygowski, whose assistant he became in 1927.
After studying law, archaeology and art history at the University of Innsbruck, Vinzenz Oberhammer habilitated in 1936 in art history.
After completing secondary school in Vienna's 6th district, Friedrich Trauth studied Greek and Latin and then geology and palaeontology, took further natural science courses and obtained his doctorate in 1908 sub auspiciis imperatoris.
Maximilian Weinberger was married to Hermine, née Schereschewsky (born 5 November 1884 in Vienna).
Anselm Weißenhofer completed his Catholic theology studies in 1908 and became a priest.
Alfred Wolfgang von Wurzbach-Tannenberg started studying law at the University of Vienna but switched after the Second State Examination to Romance philology. He obtained his doctorate in 1902 at the University of Tübingen, and habilitated in 1907 at the University of Vienna.