After studying art history in Göttingen, Berlin, Vienna and Graz, Gert Adriani wrote his doctoral thesis in 1933 in Jena on monastery libraries in Austria and south Germany.
Collection director
Ludwig Baldass studied art history at the universities of Graz, Halle, Munich and Vienna and was awarded a doctorate from the University of Vienna in 1911.
Hans Demel von Elswehr was born in Teschen in 1886 as the son of the Silesian Reichstag member Johann Demel Ritter von Elswehr.
Karl Garzarolli-Thurnlackh studied art history and history in Vienna and Graz, receiving his doctoral degree from the University of Graz in 1920.
The son of the academic painter August Ignatz Grósz and Henriette, née Countess Attems, studied art history, history and classical archaeology at the University of Vienna.
After leaving school in 1920, Eduard Holzmair worked for several years at the Anglo-Austrian Bank in Vienna, before studying German, history and art history at the University of Vienna.
Heinrich Klapsia studied art history, history and archaeology at the University of Vienna.
Fritz Lejeune studied medicine, dentistry and comparative linguistics at the universities of Bonn and Greifswald.
Victor Luithlen, son of an official in the Ministry of Trade and Transport, obtained a doctorate in music at the University of Vienna in 1927 with a work on Johannes Brahms.
The psychiatrist and medical historian Max Neuburger was head of the Institute of the History of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Vienna from 1914 to 1938.
Rudolf Noll studied classical archaeology and philosophy at the University of Vienna and submitted a dissertation in December 1929 on the beginnings of caricature in Greek vase paintings.
Otto Reich studied history and the history of art at the University of Vienna, obtaining his doctorate in 1903 with a thesis entitled "The relationship of Frederick the Fair of Austria with Italy and Curia".
Leopold Ruprecht was born in 1889 in Laxenburg near Vienna as the son of the architect Ludwig Ruprecht and Viktorine, née Halm.
Bruno Thomas studied art history at the universities of Vienna and Kiel, where he received his doctorate with a thesis on Die westfälischen Figurenportale in Münster, Paderborn und Minden in 1932.