After studying art history in Göttingen, Berlin, Vienna and Graz, Gert Adriani wrote his doctoral thesis in 1933 in Jena on monastery libraries in Austria and south Germany. Until 1936, he was an assistant in the Department of Art History at the University of Graz and then worked as an intern in the Staatliches Kupferstichkabinett (State Cabinet of Prints, Drawings and Photographs) and the Gemäldegalerie (Picture Gallery) in Dresden. In 1938, he was recommended to the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna by the director Hans Posse, where he succeeded Johann Wilde, who had emigrated to the UK because he was "jüdisch versippt" (married to a Jew). In February 1941, Adriani became head of the Picture Gallery in place of Bruno Grimschitz, who from then on devoted his entire attention to the Österreichische Galerie. Unlike Grimschitz, Adriani advocated the acquisition of pictures owned by Valentine Springer, who had fled Austria in early 1939 because she was considered a Jew according to the Nazi definition. As a British citizen, her assets were not immediately confiscated, but treated as "enemy assets". In October 1940, Adriani and Fritz Dworschak took Jan Vermeer's The Art of Painting, owned at the time by the Czernin family, to the "Führerbau" in Munich, because Hitler had expressed an interest in purchasing it. In December 1941, Adriani inspected the salvaging of the works from the Kupferstichkabinett and Gemäldegalerie in Dresden and the effect of air raids on the collections in Kassel. As head of the Gemäldegalerie he was also in contact with the Mühlmann office and the Dutch art dealer Alois Miedl. In early 1945, Adriani was appointed head of salvage operations in Lauffen, but was soon replaced by Victor Luithlen, head of the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, because a transport had been returned to Vienna by mistake without being unpacked. Adriani spent the last days of the war with his family in Klosterneuburg, which he left after it was occupied by the Soviets. As a German citizen, he applied on 2 September 1945 to leave the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Thereafter he was a curator at the Art Museum in Düsseldorf and became its director in 1954. From 1958 to 1970 he was director of the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum in Braunschweig.
Gert Adriani

Christina Schedlmayer, Die Zeitschrift "Kunst dem Volk". Populärwissenschaftliche Kunstliteratur im Nationalsozialismus und ihre Parallelen in der akademischen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung, Dissertation Universität Wien 2010.
Reinhold Wex, Adriani, Gert, in: Luitgard Camerer/Manfred R. W. Garzmann/Wolf-Dieter Schuegraf (Hg.), Braunschweiger Stadtlexikon, Braunschweig 1992, 10.
Gert Adriani, Die Klosterbibliotheken des Spätbarock in Österreich und Süddeutschland. Ein Beitrag zur Bau- und Kunstgeschichte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Graz, Leipzig, Wien 1935.
Gert Adriani (Hg.), Italienisches Skizzenbuch, Wien 1940.
Gert Adriani, Ausstellungskatalog Kunstsammlungen der Stadt Düsseldorf. Kunst und Künstler bei Goethe, Düsseldorf 1949.
Gert Adriani, Schloß Richmond, München, Berlin 1966.
Gert Adriani, Herzog-Anton-Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig: Verzeichnis der Gemälde, Braunschweig 1969.
Zeitschriftenartikel in "Kunst dem Volk":
Gert Adriani, Landschaftszeichnungen Wolf Hubers, in: Kunst dem Volk (1942) 11, 28–32.
Gert Adriani, Aquarelle und Zeichnungen des 19. Jahrhunderts, in: Kunst dem Volk (1943) 12, 15–25.
Gert Adriani, Die deutsche Landschaft in den Radierungen von Albrecht Altdorfer, in: Kunst dem Volk (1943) 11, 22–28.
Gert Adriani, Handzeichnungen aus vier Jahrhunderten, in: Kunst dem Volk (1944) 7, 3–30.
Gert Adriani, Peter Paul Rubens 1577–1640, in: Kunst dem Volk (1944) 11-12, 14–25.
Gert Adriani, Raffaels Handzeichnungen, in: Kunst dem Volk (1944) 7, 3–30.
Albertina-Archiv, Zl. 788/1938.
KHM-Archiv, III 13, PA Gert Adriani; I 31, 4/KORR/1939_40, 191/KORR/1939_40: I 53, 30/KORR/1941_42; I 58, 4/KORR/1943_44/I 58 (Auswahl); 9-44/KL/1941, 9-31/KL/1941, 9-21/KL/1941, 189/ED/1942, 9/ED/1943 (UK-Stellung/Verlängerungsanträge); 28/KL/1941 (Dienstreisen nach Dresden, Berlin, Kassel, Mannheim, Frankfurt und München); 62/KL/1941 (Erwerbung von Baron/Baronin Springer); 86/KL/1941 ("Raub des Ganymed" von Rubens aus ehem. Schwarzenbergischem Besitz); 91/KL/1941 (Erwerbung eines Gemäldes von Hals durch den Führer); 115/KL/1941 (Einleitung eines Telefons im dienstl. Interesse); 278/KL/1941 (Bestellung zum Leiter der Gemäldegalerie); 44/ED/1943 (Dienstreise nach Payerbach; Dienstreise mit Hajsinek nach Dresden); 65/ED/1943 (Leitung der Gemälderestaurierungsanstalt); 79/ED/1943 (Leitung der Gemäldegalerie); 42/ED/1944 (Antrag zum Direktor der Gemäldegalerie); 52/ED/1945 (Dienstverpflichtung Brückenbau, Gedächtnisschrift).
Roberts Commission, URL: (5.7.2017).
VLUG Report 25 December 1945, URL: (5.7.2017).