Hadamowsky, Franz

Franz Hadamowsky


31 January 1900 Rappoltenkirchen, Lower Austria – 9 January 1994 Vienna

While still a student of German, history and geography at the University of Vienna, Franz Hadamowsky showed an interest in the theatre. He obtained his doctorate in 1922 with a thesis on the work of the old Viennese theatre director Franz Pokorny. After working as a librarian and from 1923 as director of the Vienna Volksbildungsverein (adult education institute) library, he was made redundant in 1933, but in March of the following year Karl Lugmayer, who was responsible for popular education in Vienna, appointed him as director of this establishment, a position he held until he was dismissed in March 1938. When he fulfilled the conditions for his reinstatement at the end of 1938 by joining the NSDAP, he went back to work as "Gausachbearbeiter (expert) in the office of the Deutsches Volksbildungswerk (DAF) in the Gau of Vienna". From January 1940 until the end of the war, however, he served in the military, first in Poland, then on the Russian front. He was taken prisoner in May 1945 but released in the autumn of that year. He found work as an unpaid intern at the Institute of Theatre Studies at the University of Vienna until obtaining full-time employment in the National Library. Having already worked as a research assistant in the theatre collection from 1929 to 1934, Hadamowsky, who during his career wrote numerous articles about the history of Viennese theatre, became director of this collection and of the Theatermuseum in 1954 until his retirement in 1966.

Author Info
Publications by the person / institution

Franz Hadamowsky, Ferdinand Raimund als Schauspieler, 2 Bände, Wien 1925.
Franz Hadamowsky, Gründungsakten der Leopoldstädter Schaubühne, Wien 1928.
Franz Hadamowsky, Schrifttum und Bühne in Niederösterreich, Wien 1930.
Franz Hadamowsky, Das Theater in der Wiener Leopoldstadt, Wien 1932.
Franz Hadamowsky, Die Wiener Privattheater 1848–1918 in: Dt.-österr. Literaturgeschichte

Fritz Brukner/Franz Hadamowsky, Die Wiener Faustdichtungen von Stranitzky bis zu Goethes Tod, Wien 1932.

Joseph Gregor/Franz Hadamowsky, Katalog der Handzeichnungen der Theatersammlung der Nationalbibliothek, Wien 1930.

Franz Hadamowsky/Felix Trojan, Katalog der "Alten Bibliothek" des Theaters an der Wien, 1928.


WStLA, Gauakten, A1, Personalakten des Gaues Wien, Franz Hadamowsky.
WStLA, M.Abt. 119, A42, NS-Registrierung, Franz Hadamowsky, Karteikarte.