
Around 1900, Wilhelm Bermann moved with his wife Sidonie, née Silbermann, from Temesvár to Vienna. They lived with their four children at Kasernengasse 4 in the 6th district.

After studying law at the University of Vienna, Karl Ecker had theatre training at the k. k.

Emil Goldmann was born in Swoikowitz, Moravia, in 1872 as the oldest of nine children of the tenant farmer Jakob Goldmann and his wife Amalie.

Joseph Gregor grew up in Czernowitz as the son of the city architect Josef Gregor. He came to Vienna in 1907 to study art history, German and music.

While still a student of German, history and geography at the University of Vienna, Franz Hadamowsky showed an interest in the theatre.

The Munich lawyer Heinrich Heim, who had known Adolf Hitler since 1920, was appointed to the Brown House in 1933 by Rudolf Hess, where he dealt with legislative questions, until he was transferred to the "Führer's

Alexander Friedrich Ladislaus Roda Roda was born Sándor Friedrich Rosenfeld in Drnowitz, Moravia, in 1872 and grew up in Slavonia, present-day Croatia, where his father worked as an estate manager near the village of Zdenci.

In 1898, Margarethe Herz married Siegmund von Sonnenthal, son of the well-known actor Adolf von Sonnenthal, in the Vienna City Temple.