Gabriele Anderl

Freelance researcher, writer and journalist in Vienna; worked for the Historical Commission of the Republic of Austria; current member of the Commission for Provenance Research and vice-president of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Exilforschung (öge) (Austrian Society for Exile Studies); numerous publications on modern history (e.g., Nazi expulsion and looting policy, Jewish history, Nazi looting of art and cultural objects, the art market, and past and present refugee and asylum policy); Käthe Leichter Prize (1994); Leon Zelman Prize for Dialogue and Understanding (2016); Preis der Stadt Wien für Publizistik (City of Vienna Prize for Scholarly and Journalistic Publishing) (2020).

After graduating from the Benedictine grammar school in Merano, Hans Abeles studied at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Vienna, where he gained his doctorate in 1897. In 1903/04 he worked as a ship's doctor at Austrian Lloyd.

Bernhard Altmann came from an orthodox Jewish family in Galicia. His maternal grandparents had a knitwear factory in Przemyśl, where he was born, managed by his mother Keile (later Karoline) Tischler before she married.

Born out of wedlock, Viktor Blahut was a German nationalist from a young age. During the First World War, he served as a non-commissioned officer at the front in Serbia and Italy.

Leopold Blauensteiner was the son of a carpenter of the same name and the latter's wife Johanna, née Toscano del Banner.

Otto Braun, the son of a lawyer, studied at the Hochschule für Bodenkultur (now called the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences) in Vienna’s 18th district after completing his A-levels.

The Soffer brothers' furniture and antiques store at Singerstraße 4 in Vienna’s 1st district, was founded by Jacques Wallis in 1867 and taken over by the brothers Arthur (Artur) and Siegmund (Sigmund) Soffer and Alexander Levai in 1908.

Anton Exner was the most important dealer, collector and assessor of East Asian art in Vienna between the wars. His collection included all branches of Asian – particularly Chinese and Japanese – art from all epochs.

Walter Exner was the son of the Asian art dealer and collector

Josef (Sepp) Finger studied at the Handelsakademie and was employed from 1919 in a Vienna bank. In 1926 he emigrated to Turkey, living in Ankara and Constantinople (Istanbul), travelling around Asia Minor and working for the Deutsche Orientbank.

Othmar Fritsch studied law for three semesters from 1906 at the University of Vienna after having completed a school-leaving course at a commercial college and the textile and weaving college in Vienna.

Otto Fröhlich, born in Vienna on 12 February 1873, graduated in law in 1896 and in art history in 1907, opened the Dr. Otto Fröhlich Gallery at Josefstädter Strasse 30 in Vienna’s 8th district in 1912 and had it entered in the Vienna commercial register in 1913.

Galerie Harding at Kärntnerstraße 16, 1st district of Vienna, was entered in the register of companies in 1928.

Hildegard Gussenbauer, daughter of the surgeon Carl Ignatz Gussenbauer, was an art broker, consultant and dealer in Vienna.

Until 1921, Oskar Hamel was an officer and then senior officer in the Vienna Provincial Tax Office before turning to antiques and starting an independent business in 1923. He also collected coins and stamps.

Arnold Harding was born in 1887 as the son of Berta (Bertha) Winterstein and David Abeles from Bohemia. He was a Czechoslovakian citizen. He had a brother Paul, born in 1882, from his mother's first marriage.

In the official documents, there are three businesses registered under the name Albert Kende in the time before the annexation of Austria, starting in 1904.

Fritz Manns, a historian from Bremen with a doctorate, had been a member of the NSDAP since 1932 and a member of the SA in 1933/34 and 1938.

Gertrud Marle was born in Vienna as the first of two daughters of the couple Josef Richard and Marianne Marle, who converted from Judaism to Protestantism. Her sister Erika Lilly was born in Prague in 1921. She and Gertrud attended Eugenie Schwarzwald's private reform school.

Robert Möder, whose mother Franziska Möder owned a small business at the Tandelmarkt located at Berggasse 34 in Vienna’s 9th district, joined the NSDAP in 1926 or 1927 (membership number 53,171), but was expelled in 1930 for "behaviour detrimental to the party", among other thin

From 1941 to 1976, Ferdinand Josef Nagler owned the art and auction house at Kärntnerstraße 4 in Vienna's 1st district expropriated from its Jewish owner

Karoline (Lilly) Nehammer, née Prinz, was one of the most important figures in the art market in Nazi Vienna.

Georg Popper graduated in mechanical engineering from the Technische Hochschule in Vienna in 1907. He worked afterwards as a patent lawyer and later as a partner in the company H. Palm, which traded on commission.

Michael Ottokar Popper, who had a doctorate in law, left the Jewish community in 1888 and converted to the Catholic faith. His wife Maria Franziska, born in 1889, to whom he had been married since 1922, was also a member of the Roman Catholic Church.

Eugen Karl Franz Primavesi was one of the most active and influential art and antiques dealers in Vienna during the Nazi era.

After graduating from a commercial college in Vienna, Rudolf Prinz worked as an accountant in various companies. He served for a few months in the First World War and in 1921 opened his own antiques dealership at his home address at Chwallagasse 2/II/10 in Vienna's 6th district.

Despite his modest formal education, Otto Schatzker had an astonishing career as an art dealer and expert in Vienna. He was born illegitimate and given to a foundling hospital.

Frederic Martin Schnitger's father owned a sugar cane plantation on the island of Java (then part of the Dutch East Indies) and his mother was a teacher.

Hermann (von) Trenkwald was the son of Josef Matthias Trenkwald (1824–1897), a history painter and professor at the

With its collections of ethnographic objects, historical photographs and books on non-European cultures, the Weltmuseum Wien is one of the most important museums of its type in the world.