Lilienthal, Cäcilie

Cäcilie Lilienthal


27 May 1886 Jassy – on 17 July 1942 deported to Theresienstadt ghetto / Terezín and from there to Auschwitz; declared dead as of 8 May 1945

née Cäcilie Rosenthal


Cäcilie Rosenthal married the lawyer Josef Lilienthal from Zurawno, Galicia, in Lemberg (now Lviv) in 1911. They had three children: Sylvia Lilith, Ricarda Antonia Eleonora and Karl René. After moving to Vienna, they lived from 1914 at Lerchenfelderstraße 13 in the 7th district and then from 1934 in a duplex apartment at Obere Augartenstraße 42 in the 2nd district. Apart from other buildings, the couple purchased a villa at Andreas-Hofer-Zeile 23 in Baden in 1925, to which Cäcilie had sole title from 1927. Both the villa in Baden and the Vienna apartment had numerous art objects, which Josef Lilienthal described in 1938 to the Vermögensverkehrsstelle (Property Transaction Office) as "pictures without museum value, a dresser, sculptures, bracket clocks". Cäcilie Lilienthal also listed jewellery and other valuables. The family were persecuted and expelled under the Nazi regime on account of their Jewish origins. While Karl René was able to flee in 1939 to London, and Sylvia and Ricarda to Palestine, Josef Lilienthal died after a serious illness in March 1940 in the apartment in Obere Augartenstraße. Between 1938 and 1940 he and Cäcilie had already sold some of their properties including the villa in Baden, which was acquired by the furniture and antiques dealers Gustav and Karl Baranyi together with their mother Hedwig. After her husband's death, Cäcilie Lilienthal sold objects from her remaining art collection, presumable to finance her planned flight. In several cases Ferdinand Spany is thought to have acted as a broker. In autumn 1941 a case brought by Cäcilie Lilienthal against Karl Baranyi concerning objects claimed by her from the Baden villa ended in an out-of-court settlement in her favour. In spite of firm preparations, she was no longer able to escape. On 17 June 1942 she was deported first to Theresienstadt and then to Auschwitz. The remaining assets and properties in her name were forfeited to the German Reich.

After the Second World War, her children had their mother declared dead as of 8 May 1945. From 1946, Karl René, Sylvia and Ricarda made several restitution claims for their parents' expropriated assets, also against Karl Baranyi and Ferdinand Spany. The real estate was returned by the mid-1950s, and in 1949 two paintings were handed over to Karl René Lilienthal. After 1950 a claim against Spany ended in an out-of-court settlement in favour of Josef and Cäcilie Lilienthal's descendants, who had asserted claims under the first and second Kunst- und Kulturgutbereinigungsgesetz (KKBG I & II) (Art and Cultural Property Settlement Act) to over two hundred items. By 1997 their claims had been recognized in thirty-three cases. One of the paintings restituted under KKBG I was given on permanent loan in 1995 to the Painting Gallery of the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien (Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna), which purchased it in 2006.

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Publications about the person / institution

DÖW, Opferdatenbank des Dokumentationsarchivs des österreichischen Widerstandes,  Eintrag zu Cäcilie Lilienthal, URL: (6.10.2023).

Otto Fritscher, Kontroversen um den "Mauerbach-Schatz". Die Restitutionsverfahren von 1969 bis 1986, Wien 2012.


Archiv der IKG Wien, Bestand Wien, A/VIE/IKG/AUS/Devisenberatungsstelle/Kartei Konto „D“, Cäcilie Lilienthal, 11.2.1941.
Archiv der IKG Wien, Matriken, Beerdigungsprotokoll 1940, Bd. 1, Josef Lilienthal.
Archiv der IKG Wien, Matriken, Geburtsbuch/74, Ricarda Antonia Eleonora Lilienthal.
Archiv der IKG Wien, Matriken, Geburtsbuch/82, Sylvia Lilith Lilienthal.

BDA-Archiv, Restitutionsmaterialien, K. 40/1, PM Karl René Lilienthal.

IKG Wien, Friedhofskartei, Karteikarte zu Josef Lilienthal.

OeStA/AdR, ZNsZ, Gauakt 83.069, Karl Baranyi.
OeStA/AdR, E-uReang, Hilfsfonds, Abgeltungsfonds 8849, Karl René Lilienthal.
OeStA/AdR, E-uReang, Hilfsfonds, Abgeltungsfonds 8850, Ricarda Klausner.
OeStA/AdR, E-uReang, Hilfsfonds, Abgeltungsfonds 10.271.
OeStA/AdR, E-uReang, Hilfsfonds, Sammelstellen A und B Negativ-Akten, Liegenschaften N 1224.
OeStA/AdR, E-uReang, VVSt, VA 35513, Cäcilie Lilienthal.
OeStA/AdR, E-uReang, VVSt, VA 42666, Josef Lilienthal.

UAW, Nationale der Juridische Fakultät, WS 1894/95 und SoSe 1895, Josef Lilienthal.

UAAbKW, Gemäldegalerie, Akten zur Erwerbung.

WStLA, BG Innere Stadt, A4/22-22A, 22A 797/40, Verlassenschaftsabhandlung Josef Lilienthal.
WStLA, BG Innere Stadt, Verlassenschaftsabhandlung Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, Historische Wiener Meldeunterlagen, Meldeauskunft Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, Historische Wiener Meldeunterlagen, Meldeauskunft Josef Lilienthal.
WStLA, LG für Strafsachen, A11, Vr-Strafsachen, Vr 2141/40; Vr. 2142/40.
WStLA, LG für Zivilrechtssachen, A24 – Cg; Nc – Streitsachen; Außerstreitsachen: 28 Cg 191/41: Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, M.Abt. 119, A41, VEAV 227n, 1. Bez., Josef und Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, M.Abt. 119, A41, VEAV 351, 2. Bez., Josef und Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, M.Abt. 119, A41, VEAV 1367, 2. Bez., Josef und Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, M.Abt. 119, A41, VEAV 5, 4./5. Bez., Josef und Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, M.Abt. 119, A41, VEAV 466, 5. Bez., Josef und Cäcilie Lilienthal.
WStLA, M.Abt. 119, A42, NS-Registierung, Karl Baranyi.
WStLA, Volksgericht, A1, Vg 3d Vr 2527/48, Karl Baranyi.
WStLA, Volksgericht, A1, Vg 2d Vr 2251/45, Ferdinand Spany u.a.

Datenbank des RKD, Netherlands Institute for Art History: Frans Francken (II), De Heilige familie en de aanbidding der wijzen, URL: (3.12.2020).