Bernhard Altmann came from an orthodox Jewish family in Galicia. His maternal grandparents had a knitwear factory in Przemyśl, where he was born, managed by his mother Keile (later Karoline) Tischler before she married.
After the death of his father Adolf Duschnitz in 1909, Willibald Duschnitz, who married Jenka, née Löff, in 1907, inherited his painting collection, a villa in the Cottageviertel in Vienna's 19th district, and the Erste Österreichisch-Ungarische Filzfabrik in Achau south of Vien
David Goldmann came from extremely modest circumstances to settle in Vienna in the early 1910s, from where he worked his way up to become director of Ujpester Tuchfabriks AG in Budapest, Wollwarenverkaufs AG in Günzelsdorf and Stoffdruckfabrik in Guntramsdorf.
Anna Constanze Mautner, née Neumann, was married from 1909 to the ethnologist Konrad Mautner (1880–1924), a member of the Mautner family, one of the most important textile manufacturers in the Habsburg monarchy.
After completing secondary school in Gera, Thuringia, Fritz Georg Meyer joined the Braunschweig Hussar Regiment No. 17 for a year in 1911 and then trained as an agent in the textile business in Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the USA.
Ernst Pollack was born in Vienna as the son of Friedrich Pollak and his wife Franziska, née Fischel.
After his father's death in 1899, Heinrich Rothberger, who trained as a tailor and commercial manager, took over his textile company Jacob Rothberger and department store on Stephansplatz in Vienna together with his brothers Moritz and Alfred.
René Schornstein/Sennhein was born the son of Richard and Yvonne Schornstein in Baden near Vienna in 1899. The Schornstein family converted in 1903/04 from Judaism to Roman Catholicism and changed their name in 1915 from Schornstein to Sennhein.
Isak Wunderlich was a master tailor and lived with his wife Scheindel, née Pohl (born 24 May 1865), at Kluckygasse 15 in Vienna's 20th district. After the annexation of Austria to the National Socialist German Reich, they were persecuted as Jews.