Caurairy, Amatus

Amatus Caurairy


22 June 1878 Schwechat – 18 November 1966 Vienna

In 1905, the trained engineer Amatus Caurairy joined the art dealership Reinhold Entzmann & Sohn, which his father-in-law Reinhold Entzmann senior had founded at Seilerstätte 30, in Vienna’s 1st district in 1894, and moved to Seilerstätte 21 in 1903. After Entzmann's death in 1925, Caurairy became the sole owner of the company, but gave up this role at the end of 1938 in favour of his daughter Yvonne, who would later continue to run the business as an art publishing house until 1972. In his role as a court-certified expert and appraiser, which he had held since 1931, Caurairy was commissioned by the Vermögensverkehrstelle (VVSt) (Property Transaction Office) from 1938 onwards to appraise confiscated and seized Viennese art collections. He appraised and valued the collections of Elisabeth Bachhofen-Echt, Richard Beer-Hofmann, Hugo Friedmann, Martha Gerngross, Fritz Hirsch, Josef Hupka, Hans Krüger, Hugo Marmorek, Anna and Konrad Mautner, Emil Politzer, Oskar Reichel and Heinrich Reif, among others. A review of his activities and political reliability by the Gau-Personalamt (personnel office of the Reichsgau Vienna) in October 1938 shows that Caurairy was a member of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) (German Labour Front), the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) (National Socialist People's Welfare) and the Reichsluftschutzbund (RLB) (Reich Air Raid Protection League) from September 1938 onwards but was not a member of the NSDAP. In 1946, he rejoined the art dealership, which had been run by his daughter since 1939, as a partner and retained this position until his death in 1966.

Author Info
Publications about the person / institution

Anzeiger für den Buch-, Kunst- und Musikalienhandel, Nr. 18 (1931), 100.

Roswitha Juffinger, Die Galerie Welz, Wien – Friedrich Welz arisiert die Kunsthandlung Würthle & Sohn, Nachf., in: Roswitha Juffinger/Gerhard Plasser, Salzburger Landessammlungen 1939–1955, Salzburg 2007, 106.

Sophie Lillie, Was einmal war. Handbuch der enteigneten Kunstsammlungen Wiens, Wien 2003.


Archiv der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Gewerbeakt, Firma Reinhold Entzmann & Sohn.

OeStA/AdR, ZNsZ, Gauakt  50675, Amatus Caurairy.

WStLA, Historische Wiener Meldeunterlagen, Meldeauskunft Amatus Caurairy.