Christina Köstner-Pemsel

Studied German studies and Romance philology in Vienna and Turin; head of Public Relations and Department of Old Books of the University of Vienna Library; since 2006 provenance researcher at the University of Vienna Library; member of NS provenance research working group of the Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare (VÖB) (Association of Austrian Librarians); co-editor of open access and peer-reviewed series Schriften der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare; publications on library science and provenance research, most recently co‑editor of the conference proceedings Treuhänderische Übernahme und Verwahrung: International und interdisziplinär betrachtet, Göttingen 2018; Künstliche Intelligenz in Bibliotheken, Graz 2020; 75 Jahre VÖB, Graz 2021; further information:

Paul Heigl studied history and geography in Graz and Munich and was awarded his doctorate in 1910 from the University of Graz.