In 1922 Viktor Christian obtained his habilitation in the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Vienna with a thesis "Semitic with special account of cuneifor
SS member
Robert Eigenberger studied art history at the German University in Prague and wrote his doctoral thesis in 1913 on the sculptor Adam Krafft.
Erich Fiala was born in Purkersdorf, studied in Vienna and obtained a doctorate in political science in June 1935.
Josef (Sepp) Finger studied at the Handelsakademie and was employed from 1919 in a Vienna bank. In 1926 he emigrated to Turkey, living in Ankara and Constantinople (Istanbul), travelling around Asia Minor and working for the Deutsche Orientbank.
Paul Heigl studied history and geography in Graz and Munich and was awarded his doctorate in 1910 from the University of Graz.
Egon Jelinek, son of the photographer Paul Jelinek (1878–1940), was active in the Austrian NSDAP ("Hitler movement", Brigittenau) from 1921.
Lothar Kitschelt, son of the factory manager August Eduard Kitschelt and Olga Anna Maria Kitschelt, née Freiin von Hartlich-Wallthor, started studying law but switched in the winter semester 1932/33 to art history, archa