Adelhart, Michaela Thekla

Michaela Adelhart


27 August 1916 Vienna  – 19 January 2002 Bochum

née Michaela Sirucek

After graduating from the Bundeslehranstalt für Frauengewerbe (Federal Teaching Institute for Women's Crafts) in Vienna and working for some years from home, the 22-year-old Michaela Sirucek applied in September 1938 for a position as "embroiderer" (textile restorer) at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Apart from her skill and the fact that in summer 1938 two married textile restorers whose husbands worked in the public sector had to take early retirement as a late consequence of the Austrofascist Double Earner Regulation, her membership of the NSDAP was in her favour. She had been an illegal member of the Nazi Party before March 1938 and had the low membership number 6,126.899. In August 1939 she married the technician and later criminal police employee Herbert Adelhart. In June 1943, after the birth of her daughter, she left the position at the museum.

Author Info
Publications about the person / institution

Susanne Hehenberger/Monika Löscher, Akteurinnen und Akteure im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien. Personelle Kontinuitäten und Brüche 1933/34 – 1938 – 1945, in: Tanja Baensch/Kristina Kratz-Kessemeier/Dorothee Wimmer (Hg.), Museen im Nationalsozialismus: Akteure – Orte – Politik, Köln-Weimar-Wien 2016, 129–146.


DAW, Geburts- und Taufbuch Landstraße-St. Rochus 1915–1916, fol. 27, Geburts- und Taufeintrag Michaela Thekla Johanna Siruček, 27.8.1916 und 3.9.1916, URL: (19.5.2021).

KHM-Archiv, III 8, PA Michaela Adelhart.

WStLA, Gauakten, A1-'Gauakten', Personalakten des Gaues Wien, 73.742 Michaela Adelhart.
WStLA, Historische Wiener Meldeunterlagen, Meldeauskunft Herbert Adelhart.